Monday, July 2, 2012

Know The Signs of Diabetes

The summer of 2011, I did show some signs of my diabetes.  My humans had never had an animal, or family member who had diabetes.  It was not something they had ever thought about.  They attributed my excessive drinking and peeing to the heat of the Arizona summer and my Prednisone.  I want pet owners to know what the symptoms are of diabetes, so that if your pet has any of these symptoms you can get your pet checked out quickly.


... the signs of early diabetes are frequent urination, drinking lots of water, a large appetite, and unexplained loss of weight.  In more advanced cases there is lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting, dehydration, weakness, and coma.

In my case, my eyesight was affected. Currently I am stable with my blood sugar and my weight.  I am grateful to my humans and my Vet who are taking good care of me. 

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